The application of the adopter or the adoptive family
Athe adoption procedure was admitted. The request for approval of the adoption is submitted to the court by the ANPDCA after the completion of the preliminary administrative steps provided for by law. International adoption involves moving the child to the territory of the receiving state following the approval of the adoption by the Romanian court. the adopted person has his usual residence abroad the adopter has his usual residence in Romania the adoption requests of the applicants are sent to the competent foreign authorities only through the ANPDCA The evaluation of the adopter or the.
Adoptive family is done in the same way as in the case Country Email List of national adoption. Administrative procedure prior to referral to the court The applications of persons or families who have their habitual residence on the territory of another state part of the Hague Convention and who wish to adopt a child from Romania are sent to ANPDCA through the competent central authority of the respective state or its accredited organizations. In the case of states that are not parties to the Hague.
Convention requests are sent to ANPDCA through the authority designated with powers in the field of international adoption or through organizations accredited in this sense in the receiving state. is taken into account by ANPDCA only if the competent central authority of the receiving state or its organizations accredited and authorized under the law attests that the adopter or the adopting family meets the eligibility conditions for adoption and is able to adopt in accordance with the legislation applicable in the receiving state the adopter or the adoptive family benefited from the necessary counseling in order to adopt in the receiving state monitoring of the childs evolution after adoption is ensured for a period of at least years postadoption services are provided for the child and family in the receiving state the adopted will benefit. |